Discipline Policy


I.  Student Expectations



A.       We take responsibility for learning.


This means:


ü        We arrive at school on time.

ü        We are prepared for class.

ü        We demonstrate a serious and responsible attitude in daily work.

ü        Homework is carefully and thoughtfully completed and on time.


B.      We try to settle our differences in a peaceful manner.


This means:


ü        We respect other people’s property and personal space.

ü        We do not physically or verbally fight with other students.

ü        We do not take anything that does not belong to us.


C.      We follow the directions of adults in charge, the first time given.


This means:


ü        We follow the reasonable request of staff the first time given.

ü        We do not talk back to teachers or adults in charge.

ü        This includes substitutes and lunchroom supervisors.


D.      We are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.


This means:


ü        We use appropriate language at all times.

ü        We do not bully or tease other students.

ü        We are willing to help each other.

ü        We are friendly and courteous.


E.       We are expected to move safely through the school.


This means:


ü        No fooling around in the bathrooms or hallways.

ü        No running in the lunchroom, classrooms, or hallways.



II.  Steps in a Progressive Discipline Cycle


A.       Provided that sound classroom management techniques, and instructional methodologies are employed, if a student clearly breaches expectations of behaviour:


1.    Staff will make a reasonable request  regarding a school expectation.  Students are expected to comply immediately.


2.       If the student continues to breach expectations, students will be removed from the situation, with the intent of following up and counseling the individual at a time convenient to you.  This can take place within the classroom at a time-out area or immediately outside the classroom, where the student can be supervised.  The idea is to conference with the student and get them back into the classroom as soon as possible.  At this stage the incident will be documented, and the student warned.


3.       Further breaches in the same day warrant a discipline referral.  Depending on the circumstances, the following will occur:


-          call parents

-          assign detention

-          send the student back to class

-          meet with the teacher

-          meet with parents

-          document

-          suspend

-          withdraw privileges

-          assign community service


4.       If there is a pattern of student misbehaviour, relevant stakeholders will meet to devise a behaviour plan or behavioural contract.


5.       In the judgment of the teacher, if any misbehaviour is deemed severe, referral to the office is warranted.



Discouraged Behaviour at School


(a)  Aggressive or violent behavior toward another student. - Examples could include hitting, fighting, pushing, play fighting, bullying, yelling and screaming or intimidation. 


(b)  Unsafe behavior - Examples could include running in the school, sliding or throwing things.


(c)  Not using the playground equipment as it was intended.  Examples could include sliding down the slide on their feet, tag around the creative playground or not sharing equipment.


(d)  Not being responsible for the school and equipment. - Examples could include littering, vandalism, deliberately doing something they know is wrong or leaving equipment outside.


(e)  Put downs.  Examples could include name-calling, using unpopular nicknames, swearing, or demeaning others in any way.


(f)  Wasting class time - Students must begin all assigned work immediately. 


(g)  Excessive washroom trips and leaving the classroom - This cannot be tolerated.  It wastes time.


(h)  Apathy -  Students must attempt to engage in classroom activities.  That is why students are here.


(i)  Not solving your own problems - Examples could include forgetting classroom material/ homework.  It is not beneficial to a student’s development to have parent’s rescue their children by bringing forgotten items to school.  Students must learn to solve their own issues (with guidance and encouragement from both parents and the school).


(j)  Messiness -  Students are expected to clean up after themselves while in school.


(k) Swearing or any form of vulgar language.